Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Everything You Need To Know About Home-Growing Strawberries

From home-grown fruit plants come harvests which can best be appreciated by someone who has actually eaten them. One's first taste of a truly fine strawberry will soon point up the tremendous gap which exists between such a fruit and the run-of-the-field stuff sold at the supermarket.

The most important of all gardengardeningstore"> fruits is the strawberry. It more nearly resembles a vegetable in its culture than does any other fruit. It is not surprising that in many truck-gardening areas growers switch from vegetables to strawberries and back again almost at will. Although the strawberry plant is a perennial and beds can be made to last for more than one year, best commercial practice calls for a new planting each year. The plants are grown in rows and for the first season need the same cultivation as vegetable crops. The next season they produce their best fruit. They can be left for four more years, but true connoisseurs usually plow them under.

In the so-called hill system of growing, the mother plant is kept pruned of all runners. This is the method by which the home gardener can produce the largest and best-flavored berries. The plants are usually set 12 inches by 24 inches apart in the bed and kept free of weeds. Usually, a rather heavy mulch is maintained on the bed. The plants are watched constantly to prevent runners from rooting. While very large berries are produced, production per square foot is probably lower than when other methods are used. As can be imagined, the labor required is considerable. About 100 plants are as many as most home gardeners care to cultivate when the hill system is used.

The variety used is important, since not all strawberries do well when grown in this way. The Alpine variety “Baron Solemacher” grown from seed will produce perhaps the finest-flavored berries of all. These have the aroma which makes wild strawberries such a delectable treat.

Where it will grow, the English 'Royal Sovereign' produces superb berries by this system. These are of enormous size, deliciously rich and sweet.

The matted-row system is exactly the opposite of the hill method. The mother plants are set 24 inches apart in rows 36 inches apart. After fruiting, the mother plants are encouraged to produce all the runners possible for twelve inches on either side of the row. Any forming outside these limits are cut off. This produces a matted row about 24 inches wide, with a twelve-inch lane between the rows of plants.

One advantage of the matted row is that it provides plenty of plants for setting new beds. The best way to produce these is to use one of the new peat-and-fiber pots in which to root them. These pots come in three-inch round or three-inch square sizes, just right to produce a husky plant. The pot is filled with a rich composted soil and plunged under a likely-looking runner. By late August the rooted plant can be cut from the parent plant and used to plant a new row. Although fall-planted rows require protection for one additional winter, they are usually more productive than spring-planted rows. They can even be allowed to bear a light crop the first spring.

It is a well-accepted rule, however , that all spring flowers should be removed the first season following planting. This keeps the plant from fruiting. Once the spring bloom is over, the June bearers (which produce only one set of flower buds a year) will not bloom again.

The row system of planting is a compromise between the matted row and the hill system. Here, plants are set 24 inches apart in rows 36 inches apart. One runner is allowed to set in the row on either side of the mother plant. In theory, each runner is about eight inches long, so the finished row is made up of plants spaced eight inches apart. Sometimes a second set of runners is allowed to root at right angles to the row. This leaves the mother plant with four runners surrounding it. This is called the hedge-row system, since the bed resembles a series of triple hedges.

Strawberries can be planted in the fall if pot-grown plants are available. These are easy to plant, since they are set just as deep as they grew in the pot. plants in clay pots will have to be knocked out (removed from the pot), but if in peat-and-fiber pots, they are planted pot and all. Bare-root plants can also be set in fall, but few nurseries have them available at that time. plants available in spring are usually sold bare-root. They come tied in bundles. Before untying, cut the roots to a uniform length, about four inches below the soil line.

Cut off any dead or weak leaves, leaving only three or four of the new, healthy, young leaves to form the new top. Now the plant is ready to be set. In the average garden there is not much choice of location. The strawberry does not like heavy soils, and if only a clay loam is available, it should be treated as mentioned under soil. A gardener's loam as mentioned in that entry is the ideal toward which to strive, although strawberries will do well in lighter sandy loams.

One of the most important steps in planting is to set the plant so the dividing line between the roots and the top or crown comes exactly at the surface of the soil. The crown should never be buried nor should roots show above the ground. Firm the soil around the roots so the crown will not be pulled below the surface when the plants are watered. If dirt works into the crown, it may rot.

Regular weeding is important, as strawberry plants make poor competitors for vigorous weeds. Do not cultivate deeply close to the plants and rooted runners, as these are shallow-rooted. In regions where the thermometer can be expected to drop as low as 12 above zero regularly, a mulch is necessary. This is not, as many suppose, to keep the plants from freezing. On the contrary, it is to keep them frozen in early spring and prevent alternate thawing and freezing, which tend to pull the plants out of the ground. Being shallow-rooted, strawberries cannot resist the heaving action of frost.

In the South, a straw mulch is still desirable, largely to keep down weeds. It is of little value, however , if straw full of grain or marsh hay full of weed seeds is used. Clean, grain-free straw is the ideal material, if it can be had. An excellent substitute, much more readily available in most city and suburban areas, is excelsior. Most retail stores will be glad to give the home strawberry grower all he can use.

The mulching material is dumped right over the plants. By the time it settles, there should still be about three inches of it over the leaves in the North. In the South, the tips of the leaves should be showing. In spring, when the daffodils are just showing yellow in their buds, pull away the mulch from the tips of the leaves so they show through. The new leaves will grow right through the mulch, which later will keep the berries clear of the soil.

Jamie Durie\'s Edible Landscape

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Collectible Porcelain Dolls and the Collectible Antique Doll

Playing with dolls is almost every little girl’s favourite pastime and while some girls almost never totally give up their toys, others make a hobby out of it and collect collectible porcelain dolls. Collectible Dolls are wonderful items for children and adults alike. Collectible dolls can be made of porcelain, or can be a reminder of a childhood past, which is the effect Cabbage Patch kids have on many people. However , for a true taste of American history, one need look no further than the American Girls Collection for a perfect collectible doll.

The American Girls Collection was first designed by an educator named Pleasant T. Rowland. She was unhappy with how most dolls were created with the concept of adulthood (in particular motherhood) in mind. Rowland thought that dolls for girls should have more of a focus on girlhood itself, and thus the American Girls Collection was born.

These collectible dolls represent a cross-section of the cultures, economic backgrounds, and societal problems that many young girls had to deal with over the course of American history. Each collectible doll has a story, and each story comes in the form of a corresponding book series. These books highlight such issues as slavery, child labour, and poverty.

Porcelain dolls have been a special item almost from the very minute they were invented. It was never a toy for a little girl to play with but more for an adult to collect and treasure. Collectible porcelain dolls are very delicate with unique features and carefully designed details.

Each and every little detail is taken in consideration when a collectible porcelain doll is appraised because any and every little damage especially to the face, which is the most fragile, will bring its value down on the collector’s market.

The thing to remember about a collectible antique doll is that at one point it is usually the best friend and confidante of a young girl, often dressed and played with and may have been repaired along they way. Knowledge is imperative for anyone anticipating starting a doll collection to ensure that they are getting what they pay for in their collection.

Another key to having a collectible antique doll is that original clothing and accessories will often set you back perhaps more than the price of the doll itself. As people begin their collections it is not unusual for them to pick up well-worn dolls with the thought of restoring them to original condition. Bear in mind, a good pair of shoes for a collectible antique doll, such as French bisque, could cost about $100. Original clothing for some dolls can cost several hundreds of dollars.

Many collectible antique dolls come in all shapes and sizes with some, like a frozen china doll, being less than two inches tall. It should be noted that a “frozen doll” is one that does not move at all. These and other collectible antique dolls are available and although their prices have risen recent years, there are still bargains to be found.

Additional points to look for are the clothing as quality collectible antique dolls also came with original clothing and many of the outfits rivalled your dresses in quality, fit and prices. It isn’t unusual for an original dress to cost upwards of $500 in good condition. In fact , there are some people who own valued collectible antique doll clothing but the dolls are of inferior condition. They are focusing on the threads not the doll.

There are a vast number of collectible porcelain dolls which make the treasures of a true collector, from baby dolls to dolls representative of different national costumes, the list and the fascination is endless. Again, the details are what make one collectible porcelain doll more valuable than the other.

Plexiglass Bending Tool and Technique

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Work At Home Job Opportunities - How To Constantly Generate Online Income from Them

Working from home is not easy because there are lots of distractions and obstacles involved. Your attitude towards these seeming distractions holds the key to your success or failure. For instance, for the simple fact that there is no big boss lurking around the corner to monitor you or bark out orders at you while working at home, you sometimes get relaxed. Even if you have to get out of the house to go to an office, things are sometimes taken for granted.

Those of us who work from home on the other hand will testify to the fact that to successfully pay yourself, you will work twice as much until you fully establish a passive source of income that will constantly generate money for you. You must still work as if you were committed to the outside job. If you fail to do so, the next thing is that you will fall into your comfort zone where you will no longer get up early enough to go to work and may not even remember to plan for the next day's activities.

To work at home and consistently earn full-time salary on your own, you must understand what is involved and place everything into proper perspective. You must show some seriousness with your work because your attitude can affect your work at home job positively or negatively. You must take into consideration the fact that no one will pay you any money unless you have something he considers very important to exchange with you.

When you are working for a company and earning salary, the company considers your services very crucial to their success. You get paid handsomely every month. You get out of bed early every morning to catch a bus and be on your way to the office. You will not want to give your boss the opportunity of doubting your commitment to duty.

Therefore to successfully work at home and earn enough money to meet your responsibilities, you should take the following measures.

[i] First, you must watch your attitude towards the work you have chosen to do at home. Identify those programs and activities that will reward you financially if you invest your time in them.

[ii] keep good records of your work at home. Create an Activity Chart with rows and columns that should run daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

[iii] At the top of the columns, list all your online income generating activities to the right. whether it is article writing, blogging, web content writing, web designing, Logo design, Graphics design, web programming, Affiliate marketing etc .

[iv] along the rows from top running downwards on the left, create your yearly calendar from first day of January to the last day of December. Include the dates from Monday to Sunday.

[v] at the end of each day, write down in each square box formed at the meeting point of each row and column, all the income generating activities that you successfully carried out for each work at home project.

This is one type of self-evaluation which will not only help you assess yourself but will also enable you to eliminate time-wasting activities which often happen when we go online without a working plan.

With this working plan, you will begin to experience purposeful online work from home activities. You will discover that even if the dollars have not started rolling in, your self-confidence will soar. This, as psychologists will tell us, is paramount for success in the life of a work from home entrepreneur. Give the suggestions here a trial and see how it will work out for you. This is to your success while working from home.

Click here for more information

How Electronic Things Work And What To Do When They Don\'t E-book For Free

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Malaysian Fruits Are Becoming The Next Big Thing

Malaysian fruits are becoming very popular with an increasing number of people. Some of the more popular Malaysian fruits are pineapple, durian, watermelon, papayas, rambutan and citrus. Not only are Malaysian fruits very beneficial to your health they also taste very good.

One of the most popular Malaysian fruits is the Durian. The name of the fruit comes from "duri" which means thorns. The durian has tiny thorns which cover the outside of the fruit. The Durian is a seasonal fruit which is grown from may to August. many people boil the durian with water and sugar to eat or cook it in coconut juice. It is also used as a relish. The flesh of the Durian is supposed to act as an aphrodisiac.

Watermelon is another popular fruit grown in Malaysia. The watermelon is 90% water and is eaten mostly as a cool refreshing snack. watermelons are a leading source for Lycopene. Lycopene is a natural pigment that gives watermelon and tomatoes their color. Lycopene helps reduce the risks of developing cancers, such as prostate, colon and rectum cancer. Lycopene also helps reduce the risks of heart attacks. Watermelon seeds are rich in protein and carbohydrates. Watermelon seeds are normally dried and eaten as a snack.

Rambutan gets it's name from "Rambut" which means hair. The skin of Rambuten is covered with whiskers giving the fruit a hairy appearance. Rambutan is used mostly for jams and fruit cocktails. The seeds of this fruit are said to be poisonous when eaten raw, so it is better to cook them before eating.

The citrus family includes Kaffer limes, sweet limes, sweet orange, sour orange, grapefruit and lemon. The uses are pretty common from juices to being used to flavor food.

Papayas are high in Vitamin C and Vitamin A. papayas are used mostly for canned fruit cocktails. They are also used in soaps, creams, and lotions.

Malaysian fruits are becoming popular for their unique taste. Malaysian fruits are a great place to begin a healthy diet.

Click here for more information

Floriade 2012 Intro (part 1)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

8 Tips for Selecting the Right Greenhouse!

You may be asking yourself, with so many hobby greenhouse kits to choose from, how do I select a greenhouse kit? At the Greenhouse Catalog, we want you to get the most out of your investment. Owning a greenhouse is a rewarding experience that will enhance your life with color and serenity. With so many greenhouses to select from on the market today, finding the right greenhouse may seem like a daunting task. At the Greenhouse Catalog, we have nearly 20 years of experience in helping customers find the greenhouse of their dreams. We believe that the greenhouse you purchase should bring you many years of pleasure. This article will highlight the important features to look for in a greenhouse and help you select the greenhouse kit for your plants and your lifestyle.

1 . Find a greenhouse that works

Performance is the most important factor to consider when purchasing a greenhouse. Your greenhouse should make growing your favorite plants as easy as possible and give you outstanding results. Whether you’re looking to simply start some plants in the spring or if you want to heat your greenhouse for year-round growing, you should carefully select a greenhouse that will perform well in your situation.

With so many choices in greenhouses today it can be difficult to find the greenhouse that is truly ideal for your personal needs. The tips below will point out the most important features to look for when selecting a greenhouse. When you understand what makes a greenhouse perform well, you can be sure that you will get the results you expect.

2 . Select a greenhouse that provides the right amount of light for your plants

Everyone knows that sunlight is important for plant growth. It may surprise you to know, however , that natural sunlight is not the best light for plants. In fact , direct light may even damage plants. The same harsh rays that cause sunburns in people also can burn your favorite foliage. Studies show that diffused light, the same light provided by Solexx greenhouse panels, is the best light for growing. Growth rates increase 20 to 30 percent under diffused light when compared to plants grown under more direct light.

Diffused light reaches your plants from all angles and produces fewer shade spots. That means plants don’t have to strain to reach towards available light. As a result, the plants develop healthy, compact growth in your greenhouse.

Light diffusion of greenhouse coverings differs greatly. Glass and most single-walled greenhouse covering materials provide minimal, if any, diffusion. Polycarbonate greenhouse covering provides more diffusion than glass, but far less than Solexx. Solexx greenhouse panels provide the best diffused light available. Even on a cloudy day, a Solexx greenhouse is bright inside. Unlike other greenhouse covering materials, Solexx greenhouse covering reflects the light throughout the entire greenhouse structure.

Too much light causes excessive heat in the greenhouse. As a consequence, plants waste energy through transpiration, much like sweating. This stresses plants and reduces photosynthetic rates. More plants actually die in a greenhouse from overheating than from the cold.

You wouldn’t send your children or grandchildren outside to play without sunscreen, and you wouldn’t lock them inside a hot car. Treat your plants with the same care and give them the healthiest start you can. Using Solexx greenhouse panels is the best way to protect your plants.

3. Select a greenhouse that will extend the growing season

A good greenhouse should allow you to grow throughout the entire year. In order to do this, select a greenhouse that is well-insulated and has adequate ventilation. The greenhouse covering should hold heat in your greenhouse, naturally keeping it warm when cold weather hits and allowing you to heat your greenhouse inexpensively if desired. In warmer months, it's important to keep your greenhouse cool. A greenhouse design that allows you to add exhaust fans, additional base vents and solar powered louvers is important to prevent your greenhouse from overheating in the spring and summer months. Light diffusion also keeps temperatures down. Solexx greenhouses are excellent in the cold and in the heat, allowing you to enjoy your favorite hobby all year.

4. Select a greenhouse that is adaptable

Greenhouse gardening is addictive! As your greenhouse hobby develops, it is likely that your needs will change as you discover the many ways that you can fully utilize your greenhouse. A good greenhouse should offer versatility and be customizable to fit your own desires as well as your climate. Whether it is adding extra accessories to enhance productivity in your greenhouse or adding an extension kit to give you even more growing space, when you select a greenhouse make sure you can customize it easily. With the right greenhouse, you can grow everything from succulents to tropicals and herbs to flowers – in the same greenhouse!

5. Select a greenhouse for strength and durabillity

A good greenhouse should be able to stand up to daily living and harsh weather without any problems. Falling tree branches, rocks thrown from lawn mowers and stray baseballs can all be hazards to greenhouses. Severe weather such as wind, snow and hail can also pose a challenge to greenhouses with poor construction.

Look for greenhouses with low-maintenance frames. Ideally, you should have something that is easy to clean, such as the strong composite frame found on Solexx greenhouses. This ensures that you can wipe out any disease or pests that enter your greenhouse.

The greenhouse paneling should be equally durable. It should be scratch-resistant and also offer excellent impact strength. If you live in an area with lots of snow or other harsh weather, it’s important that the greenhouse covering be strong enough to support the extra weight.

6. Select a greenhouse with good ultra-violet protection

Your greenhouse should be hassle-free. That means that you shouldn’t waste your time recovering the greenhouse time after time. Greenhouses have to stand up to the harsh direct sun, so they should be designed to last. For maximum life expectancy, the greenhouse framework and glazing should be UV-treated. Look for greenhouse that are UV-certified. Also check warranty periods and find out how much it would cost to buy replacement parts.

7. Select a greenhouse with room to grow

Your perfect greenhouse should fit both your available space and your plants. When choosing a greenhouse kit, keep in mind that no matter what size greenhouse you buy now, you will likely fill it up within a year. You will want to make sure that you start out with plenty of growing room.

The size of the greenhouse you need is dependent upon the available growing space as well. With Solexx greenhouses, built-in bench frames allow you to get the maximum use of your space. Hanging rods are another important feature, allowing you room to winter over all of your beautiful hanging baskets.

8. Select a greenhouse that is easy to maintain

Cleaning and maintaining your greenhouse should be simple. Look for greenhouse materials, that do not scratch, mold or mildew, or water etch. Also, remember that some greenhouse coverings have a UV coating on the outside and you have to be careful not to damage the outer coating. Find out what is involved in upkeep of the greenhouse. You want to have your greenhouse for many years, so make sure it will keep looking good and working good for years to come.

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Circular Saw Tips

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Domestic Solar Power Systems - What's In It For Me?

Solar power has been with us for many years now, from the humble solar powered calculator through to the SEGS CSP installation in California's Mojave Desert (capable of producing an incredible 354 MW of power) - it is used to power all manner of devices and supplement grid supply in many areas. Although these massive solar power stations are incredibly interesting and capable of producing vast quantities of electricity (and the solar powered calculator is rather useful), the single most potentially life changing endeavour in solar panel technology lies in more accessible and affordable systems: domestic photovoltaics.

Photovoltaic cells convert light into electric current and are generally the technology behind domestic solar panel systems. Their affordability, durability and impressive efficiency makes them a viable power generation solution for literally millions of buildings across the length and breadth of the UK. The benefits of having a Solar PV are multitudinous and having a system installed will impact not only upon your carbon footprint but also have surprising financial repercussions.


The initial cost of installing a Solar Photovoltaic system is likely to be a relatively substantial investment, it is however very much an investment as opposed to an eco-motivated extravagance. The average home solar panel setup provides enough power to sustain your personal usage of electronic equipment, lighting and heating. In essence, by replacing the power you would obtain through the national grid a Solar PV system slashes your electricity costs from the off. Given the ever increasing energy prices in the UK, this saving is only likely to increase over time.


Due to a relatively recent governmental initiative, solar panels earn the homeowner money on two fronts. Any power generated that you do not use is siphoned off to the national grid - who pay you by the unit for your electricity. In addition to this, the government's 'feed-in tariff' earns you 41. 3p for every unit (kWh) that your system produces - whether you use it or sell it back to the grid. The feed-in tariff system essentially means that you are paid to power your home! Best of all, the feed-in tariff is guaranteed for 25 years - making it an assured source of income regardless of what the future may hold.

The combination of savings, earnings and carbon footprint reduction make domestic solar panel systems one of the most worthwhile endeavours a home owner can undertake. Conservative estimates point at a full return on investment likely to occur within 8-10 years of installation, meaning guaranteed income and savings for at least 15 years after the point at which you break even.

Why not find out if a Solar PV system is a viable investment for your home and reap the benefits for years to come?

Click here for more information

How to Use Electric Hand Drills : How to Pick Electric Hand Drill Torque

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Terrace Gardening And Landscaping Ideas

Terraces present wonderful possibilities in the garden. They are outdoor living rooms during good weather and form a transition from the outdoors to the indoors throughout the year.

The terrace may be either at ground level, below ground level, or raised above it. The simplest type is ground level, which requires only the grading we have indicated. There is a wide choice of flooring materials to use. One may use cement, poured and levelled with a large board, but in maintaining the drainage grade or including shallow drainage paths, smooth turf may be used, in which case the preparation will be the same as for other lawn areas and various other types of bases.

The use of flagstones is made simple by applying a load of sand or gravel to the subsoil and digging the flagstones into the sand or gravel. The niches between the stones can be dug out and filled with top-soil and grass or other cover planted between them. This gives a very pleasing effect.

Hollow clay building tiles can be split and laid as units in the terrace floor, their rough edges in the soil. Another good surfacing material is "exposed aggregate, " which is free from glare because of its rough finish. For this type of surface, build a form of 2 x 4's. Pour the flooring in squares, one square at a time, and level with a straight board. The material used is a mixture of cement, sharp sand and crushed rock or pebbles.

Redwood or cypress blocks may also be used for terrace floors and are very attractive, although somewhat less durable than stone or brick. You can buy the blocks cut to size and lay them directly in a bed of sand, which in turn has been laid on compacted gravel or cinder. Un-mortared brick, laid in a pattern, on 2 to 4 inches of well-tamped sand, with loose sand in the crevices for grass, makes a hardy and simple-to-construct terrace floor. The bricks may be laid flat or on end, and to keep them from spreading, drive an angle iron against the corners. Use a pattern that follows the lines of your terrace.

The Sunken Terrace Gardening

A sunken terrace is one which is below ground level. It can be very attractive, and it does give a feeling of coolness on a humid day or a hot night. The sunken terrace requires a retaining wall to prevent soil from continually eroding into it, and also to maintain the topsoil of the surrounding garden. The subsoil must be dug to a depth of about 5 or 6 inches below the level you wish to attain with the terrace itself. The use of sand or gravel as a base is of importance. The top treatment can follow your own dictates.

The Raised Terrace Gardening

The raised terrace is generally not fully raised, but starts at the house level and is raised at its outer edge. Again, a retaining wall is called for. The principle problem with the raised terrace is levelling. Once this is accomplished, and the retaining wall built, construction follows the same procedure as in any other case. Drainage is supplied either by a central drain, going into a tile line, or by underground piping through the retaining wall.

Click here for more information

Gardening From Seeds : How to Plant a Cherry Seed

Building A Four Seasons Sunroom

Building your own four seasons sunroom could save you money, but it is something that you want to carefully consider. Make sure that your expertise and experience will give you the proper tools that you need to build a sunroom that you will enjoy for many years to come.

It used to be that you would have to hire someone to build a four seasons sunroom for your home, but that is not necessarily the case now. Now, many companies are offering four seasons sunroom kits that will allow you to build your sunroom yourself from a kit. This will save you quite a bit of money over hiring a contractor and paying them to build your sunroom. This can help you to save up to half of the cost of your sunroom expense. You can also save money on materials, too, because you can choose the materials and features that you want to include. There are some things that you need to understand before you being your journey on building your own four seasons sunroom, however.

You first need to understand that the cost of your four seasons sunroom kit will depend upon your own specifications and needs. If you are going to be building on an existing patio or deck, then you will find that your cost will be less than having to choose a location and build a foundation. If you are building your four seasons sunroom from scratch, then you will first need to determine where you want to put it and then you will have to prepare the location for your construction of the sunroom. This will take more work and effort, but you can do this yourself if you do choose or you could have a contractor come in just for this part of the process so that you will have a proper foundation on which to build.

Choosing Your Sunroom Kit

When you are choosing which four seasons sunroom to order, you want to understand that these plans are not designed to be connected to your existing home’ s heating and cooling system. If you want your room to be heating and cooled, then you will want to consider having a professional to construct your four seasons sunroom. You can use baseboard heaters and fans to help keep the temperature at a constant level if the weather is not full of extremes. This will all depend upon your climate and your needs.

A do-it-yourself sunroom kit may seem like a good idea, but you have to take into account your own experience and expertise. If it is not a project that you feel entirely comfortable with, then you may be better off paying someone to build your four seasons sunroom to help ensure that you will be satisfied with it and will be able to enjoy it for many years to come.

Click here for more information

DIY hotwire cutter for styrofoam shaping

Friday, June 8, 2012

Build Your Own Garage Workbench

A garage workbench is an essential piece of equipment in any home workshop. A workbench will allow you to complete projects easily and with greater accuracy. A variety of pre made workbenches are available to fit your needs. If you prefer, you can make your own workbench, either with a kit or from a plan.

Choosing a garage workbench

Workbenches are available in a wide variety of sizes and styles. Benches are great for woodworking, crafts and other household projects. You can purchase a bench at most home improvement stores. Another option is to build your own bench. You can find plans in books and on the internet with instructions to create the perfect bench to suit your needs.

A table style workbench is made of heavy duty materials to stand up to regular use. Most models have a hardwood top with metal legs. Table tops can also be made of steel. These resemble a typical table shape with nothing underneath.

Cabinet style benches have drawers or cabinets in the space under the table top. This is great for utilizing otherwise wasted space. This method allows for additional storage space. Some have a pegboard backing that is perfect for hanging hand tools. You won’t need to dig through drawers or a tool box to find what you need.

A power strip bench is a good choice if you use power tools often. These come with up to nine outlets in a strip with a heavy duty power cord. They also have current protection to prevent overload. These can be either six or eight foot benches. Some have a tool caddy to hold smaller tools.

Build Your Own Workbench

Consider building your own bench to get exactly what you want. Kits are available with everything you need to create your bench. Instructions and materials are included with the kit. With this method, you will be limited to the kit’s design. The benefit is that all pieces are pre cut. You won’t need to worry about uneven cuts.

You can build your own bench and purchase all the materials. This method is a bit more complicated, but you have more control about the final outcome. Free workbench plans are available on the internet with detailed instructions for you to follow. Cut the plywood according to the directions and be sure to make your cuts straight.

For best results, choose good quality wood, oak or a hardwood plywood is an excellent choice. Use several coats of polyurethane to protect the top of the bench. Be sure to sand between each coat. A good urethane coating makes messes easier to clean up when working on projects later.

Organizing and Making Room in your Garage

You will need to organize your garage and create storage space to make room for workbenches. Determine what you need to store. Start with a good clean out and get rid of things you don’t need. Throw away old paint and other junk. Give away or donate old items, tools or other things that are too good to throw away, but that you don’t need any more.

The walls of your garage offer great opportunities for storage space. Cabinets are great for organizing clutter. High cabinets are good for storing chemicals and paints. Sharp items can be put up high to keep them away from children. Consider locks if you have young children. Locker cabinets are perfect for larger items. Drawers are good for organizing tools, fishing equipment and other small items.

10 Things To Do BEFORE You Bid On Any Product From An Online Auction

1. Know the value of the product before you bid. If the product is brand new, check to see what price retailers are charging for it. Only by doing this will you have any idea what price to bid. If the item is used or reconditioned, you will want to pay way less than the retail value.

2. If the product's description or picture isn't detailed enough for you, contact the merchant to get more information before you bid. You don't want to take a chance to waste your hard earned money. Not only this but the way in which the seller responds, ie promptly, pleasantly, and with full details, or the opposite of this, will give you more confidence about bidding or you may decide not to bid at all.

3. Work out the highest price you will bid for the product and stick with it. Don't get caught up in a bidding war; you may end up paying more than the product is worth. Add in all the possible extras such as the shipping costs and any import duties and taxes (if buying from abroad).

4. Visit a few online auctions before bidding because some merchants auction the same product on different Auction sites. You may be able to purchase the product For a lower price in an unpopular auction because there are less bidders.

5. Take a note of the time the auction begins and ends. You also want to know how long it will take to ship. You need to have this information if you want the product by a certain date, for instance, as a gift.

6. Find out about the payment options the merchant accepts before you bid on their item. If they only accept checks or money orders, it may take even longer to get the product because the payment has to clear. If they accept credit cards make sure they have a secure server.

7. Check whether the merchant offers a warranty or money back guarantee before bidding. You don't want to get stuck with something that does not work or that you're not satisfied with.

8. Most online auctions allow you to check the merchants history with their auction. This is usually their “Feedback” record. Check to seeif people have complained about their products or business practices before you decide to bid.

9. Don’t place a bid early in the auction as this only alerts other potential bidders that you are interested and drives up the price. Wait until the last moments of an auction before bidding if you can. Naturally enough the auction site owners will exhort you to bid early as this is in their best interests, after all, they get more in fees the more an item makes. Remember not to go over your maximum bid price.

10. Following on from 9 above this is another reason to know when the auction ends; you can place a last minute bid. Other bidders may not be keeping track of when the auction ends or may not have the time to bid again.

Click here for more information

How To Succeed In Online Auction Sites

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Dummy Cameras Provide Added Security Without The High Costs Of Security Cameras

From the outside, dummy cameras appear to be real security cameras, but they lack the expensive recording components inside. Without physically taking a dummy camera apart, there is no way of knowing it is actually a fake. Dummy cameras provide added security without the high costs of additional cameras. When a criminal sees a security camera, or what is thought to be one, he is likely move on. When faced with a tight budget, dummy cameras are an excellent alternative to fully functioning security cameras.

Various dummy cameras offer an assortment of capabilities, and it is important that you think about the different features and abilities available to you when choosing dummy cameras. Your choice of dummy cameras depends on which elements you feel are the most important and which ones fit your needs and budget the best.


- Flashing or steady LED "recording" light,
- Panning motion or steady,
- Actual camera housings or look-alikes,
- Bullet style or dome style, and
- Indoor or outdoor structure.

Choosing dome style dummy cameras will lead burglars to believe you have the ability to view a 360-degree range of an area, while bullet style dummy cameras give off the perception that a close-up picture of his or her face is being recorded.

Home Use

If you have already installed surveillance equipment in your home, but would like to give the impression of having more cameras, dummy cameras are the way to go. Burglaries are not hasty crimes. Homes are usually staked out by burglars before any crime takes place, and the presence of cameras, especially more than one, is enough to send any burglar on his or her way.

Business Integration

Each year in the United States, retailers lose approximately 10 billion dollars due to shoplifting and 15 billion dollars due to employee theft. The strategic placing of dummy cameras is an efficient and inexpensive way to deter pilfering. Placement should be well thought out, keeping in mind the three locations which will get the most attention: (1) the front entrance (2) the back corners (3) the back door or loading dock.

The power of suggestion offered by the presence of dummy cameras is an effective tool in lowering your costs due to theft.

You deserve top notch security of your home and your business, no matter your budget constraints. The integration of dummy cameras is a cost-efficient and unproblematic way to ensure the safety of your home, family, business, and employees.

Night Vision Video of SVAT CV501-16CH-006 Security Camera System